
List of MAIN 2020 Speakers and Panelists

Keynote lectures

  • Danielle Bassett (University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA) State transitions in matter and mind

  • Stanislas Dehaene (Collège de France, Paris) Consciousness: From Computation to Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience and the Clinic

  • Eve Marder (Brandeis University, MA, USA) Differential Resilience to Perturbations of Circuits with Similar Performance

  • Nicole Rust (University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA) How we remember what we've seen

Speakers & Panelists (Days 1 & 2)

  • Pouya Bashivan (McGill University) Computational models of visual perception for neural prediction and control

  • Tim Behrens (University of Oxford, UK) Panelist - Memory in Brains and Machines

  • Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Deep Learning and Neuroscience Synergy: from synapses to consciousness

  • Ian Charest (University of Birmingham, UK) Semantic representations of natural scenes in the human brain

  • Daniel Dennett (Tufts University, MA, USA) Panelist - Consciousness in Brains and Machines

  • Guillaume Dumas (Université de Montréal) From Social Physiology to Social Neuro-AI

  • Becket Ebitz (Université de Montréal) The neuroscience of exploration

  • Alona Fyshe (University of Alberta, Canada) How can brain imaging data guide model training?

  • Lucia Melloni (Max-Planck Institute, Frankfurt, Germany) Panelist - Consciousness in Brains and Machines

  • Lisa Miracchi (University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA) Relevance, Echo Chambers, and Generative Explanation

  • Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research, NYC, USA) Toward a Human-like Reinforcement Learning

  • Blake Richards (Mila, McGill University) Moderator - Memory in Brains and Machines

  • Anil Seth (University of Sussex, UK) The strength of weak artificial consciousness

  • Sara Solla (Northwestern University, IL, USA) Panel discussion with students in Neuro-AI

  • Kim Stachenfeld (Google DeepMind, UK) Representation Learning in the Hippocampal-Entorhinal Circuit

  • James Whittington (University of Oxford, UK) The Tolman-Eichenbaum Machine: Unifying space and relational memory in the hippocampal formation

  • Kareem Zaghloul (NIH, NINDS, USA) Neural signatures of memory and information in the human brain

Educational tutorials (Day 3)

  • Stefanie Blain-Moraes (McGill University) Introduction to the Neuroscience of Consciousness

  • Gunnar Blohm (Queen's University) Introduction to writing scientific papers

  • Pamela Douglas (UCF/UCLA, CA, USA) Introduction to Interpreting Deep Learning Models

  • Paul Cisek (Université de Montréal) Introduction to Decision Making models

  • Doina Precup (Mila, McGill University) Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

  • Pradeep Reddy Raamana (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA) ➤ Introduction to Machine Learning

  • Irina Rish (Mila, Université de Montréal) Introduction to Continual Learning

  • Sara Solla (Northwestern University, IL, USA) Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction

  • Jessica Thompson (Mila - Université de Montréal) Comparing the activity of artificial and biological networks